Holy Cows ©™®   
3 Holy Cows were conquering heaven
Here they met the cow that died when they were seven
The cow told them that Liviu Bronsheta is here
Near the red apple, or was it the peer.
As they were walking towards the tree
They saw the big blue heavenly sea
In front of the water a song they have heard.
It was a great pink, blue and white little bird.
Little did they know that the bird was a trap.
One of them was atracted by it, while the others were taking a nap.
The cow that followed the song had gone by now
The others were surprized and asked God "How?"
He told them that the bird was a test
And that they done well when they were taking a rest
But their friend by the beauty of the bird he was tricked
So the cow wasn't holy at all and from heaven she was picked
The name of the place were she was dropped is hell
The fire of the devil is the place were she fell
The 2 cows were amazed of what they have heard
But also happy not to have listened to the bird
God told them to do what they have to do
Altough they were old and now only 2.